HIV and Aids response is not only bio-medical but also includes structural interventions addressing inequalities, rights of People Living with HIV and Aids (PLWHs) and access to care and counseling. Most of these activities are undertaken out of the health facilities by Non-Governmental Organizations, Faith Based Organizations and Community Based Organizations.
The Community AIDS Program Reporting (CAPR) System, a revised version of the Community Based Program Activity Reporting (COBPAR), is the platform where non-health facility data and needs are comprehensively captured and subsequently analyzed to underscore and effectively inform the HIV response at the grassroots.
This makes CAPR a key component of the unified response information system (UHRIS) responsible for reporting on selected Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework (KASF) indicators as outline in the Monitoring and Evaluation framework.
The CAPR is currently integrated with DHIS2 and all the reports are accessible through the DHIS2 platform.