The National AIDS Control Council in collaboration with Key Stakeholders including State and Non-State Actors supported all the 47 Counties to develop costed County AIDS Implementation Plans (CAIPs). The CAIPs have been drawn from the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework II while taking cognizance of the uniqueness of each county in terms of the HIV burden and the social determinants of health.

The development of CAIPs followed a highly consultative process through the Council of Governors where counties took leadership in the drafting, validation, and review while The National AIDS Control Council and Partners provided the Technical and Logistical support. The development approach was People-Centered through a two-step review and validation process with appropriate data collection tools being used. This ensured that the CAIPs are evidence-based.

The CAIPs are also aligned to key guiding documents; the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework (KASF II), Constitution of Kenya 2010, Medium Term Plan III of the Kenya Vision 2030, and the Big Four Agenda. The CAIP M&E Plans have been linked to KASF II Results Framework to guide the evaluation and this will help in determining the contribution of each county to the Country’s achievements.

Counties’ HIV & AIDS Strategic Plans