The National AIDS Control Council is mandated to manage strategic Information for the HIV response. Since its inception in 1999, the council has prioritized the development of systems that supports the collation of data to generate strategic information. The systems generate data from the community level, health, and other sectors to provide the evidence required to control and manage the HIV epidemic. The NACC manages strategic information systems link to the broader health information as part of an integrated architecture of a national health management information system. This information is generated through high standards using both national and global guidelines.

HIV Implementing Partners Online Reporting System

The HIV Implementing Partners Online Reporting System provides a platform for partners to report on the interventions and resources allocated in the HIV response. This information provides a snapshot of the gaps at the county level to support the decision-making process.

Community AIDS Programs Reporting

The Community AIDS Program Reporting (CAPR) System, is a platform that captures non-health facility data. The system is used to generate and report HIV activities carried out at the community level. Reporting partners include networks of people living with HIV, Non-Governmental Organizations including Faith and Community Based Organizations

Maisha Certification System

The system provides a platform for the public sector to report on HIV indicators in line with the government sector performance contract. The Maisha Certification system supports the engagement of Ministries, departments, and agencies to address HIV among the staff and members of the public they serve with their area of operation.

Kenya HIV and Health Situation Room

Real-time data visualization serves as an important tool to facilitate decision-making. The Kenya HIV and Health situation room interactively facilitates access to HIV-related data. The system enables stakeholders to effectively apply epidemiological, service delivery, logistics information, and community-level data to effectively respond to HIV at all levels.

Maisha Maarifa Research Hub

To strengthen the evidence for HIV programming and access to research information Maisha Maarifa Research hub consolidates peer-reviewed research reports to share with stakeholders. The site allows researchers to interact and share methodologies and emerging evidence across various thematic areas. The National AIDS Control Council works with other partners such as National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation to provide access to approved researches to reduce duplication of effort. The platform is accessible and open to contributions from partners and researchers who have been registered and approved by the council.